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Cosmetic Marketing Research

In high school we had to complete a senior project as a graduation requirement and the prompt was to investigate a field of study you were interested in entering. It had to be based in the scientific method or the engineering design process. I chose the engineering design process and prototyped my own cosmetic line. My high school wasn't gifted with a large chemistry lab so I focused on the marketing and packaging of the line.

The document linked at the end of this post is my Marketing Strategy which contains research on other e-commerce cosmetic companies and unpacks what the best way to market products for my hypothetical company.

Looking back this entire project is what caused the shift of my envisioned career, I did not want to work in business and become an entrepreneur in the cosmetic sense. I wanted to be able to argue but not in front of a court, on paper, for something that defended a persons rights.

Present day I truly feel practicing law in concern with intellectual property is what will make me happy and keep me driven.

To view my senior project document click this link.

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